Seafood Pastilla

Hello :)  I'm going to post this new version of this famous Marocan starter. I've already posted a pastilla but with chicken and cheese. This time, I changed the stuffing replacing chicken and I tried an individual version of it as well. Here is my recipe : What about shrimp and fish ? These little pastillas are perfect as a starter or during Ramadan in order to replace the traditional boureks :)

Ingredients (for 6 mini pastillas)
- mini round brick pastry (18)
- 500 g of shrimps
- rice noodle (half a pack)
- 2 teaspoons of ginger powder
- Parsley
- 2 teaspoons of garlic powder
- salt and pepper
- 1 carrot
- 2 panga fillets
- 1 onion
- lemon juice (half lemon) 
- Yolk (to glue the brick pastry)

Brown the onion cut into little pieces
Cut the panga fillet and brown it with onion
Keep it aside
Cut the head of the shrimps and keep them aside
Take off the shell of the shrimps and cut the flesh of the shrimps into 4
In a bowl, put fish, onion and shrimp
Chop parsley and keep it aside
Boil the noodles with 4 or 5 shrimp heads in the water
Cut the noodles with scissors once they boil
Put them with fish, shrimp and onion
Add ginger, garlic, salt and pepper
Peel carrot and cut it in thin slices
Add the lemon juice and mix everything together
Add parsley and mix
Take a little casserole
Beat the yolk
Take one brick pastry, distemper yolk on it and put it in the little casserole
Take another one and put half of the brick pastry in the little casserole and half outside
Do the same with another one on the other side
Put the stuffing
Close by taking to the center and glue them with yolk
Do it 5 times
Once done, take out the pastilla from the little casserole and put it in the oven for 15mn at 180°

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